Asset Preservation & Protection

When you were a kid, I am guessing, you had a ceramic piggy bank where you could drop coins in the top of it or an occasional dollar if you were lucky enough but nothing was coming out of it. You could tip it over and shake it as hard as you could, but it was locked tight. Do you remember that? Then, as time went on, they started creating piggy banks with a plastic tab at the bottom so you didn’t have to break the piggy bank to get your money out.

What if I were able to tell you that we are able to create a piggy bank for you that would hold whatever assets or money that you wanted, and we could create it like the new and improved piggy bank with the plastic tab at the bottom? This would allow whomever you choose to get money out, you wouldn’t have to break it, and that person could just pull the tab. The good news is you get to choose who can pull the tab. It can’t be you because if you can get into it then those assets aren’t fully protected. Your children or close friends can pull that tab and access the funds if absolutely necessary. But, anything that is left inside that piggy bank is going to be there for your children and your grandchildren after your passing.

Protecting ourselves or our loved ones from creditors and predators is something we may not think about as we live our lives day to day – the bad things happen to others, not to us. Seeing what happens to others who did not have the proper protections in place always confirms my purpose in educating the public. The benefits of asset protection and the risks of not planning to protect those assets for which you’ve worked so hard, particularly in the areas of long term care, divorce, creditor issues, lawsuits, accidents resulting in injury and litigation, and health crisis must be a discussion we have to ensure that your plan meets your goals, and what’s missing, if your plan falls short of your goals.

We employ the use of Irrevocable Grantor and Non-Grantor Trusts to accomplish our client’s goals and objectives and track the entire process from design, through execution and funding. We will work with your Certified Public Accountant and your financial advisor to formulate and support your game plan.

No matter what happens with you and your health, nothing can happen to those assets, especially after the first 5 years, which I’ll explain in more detail if you decide you want to protect your assets.


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