Category: Elder Law


We’re two weeks away from our inaugural Age With Purpose at the Odell Williamson Auditorium! We want to introduce you to another one of our fabulous speakers.

Meet Mary Trybuskiewicz RD, LDN! She will be presenting “Eating for a Healthy Brain.”

Did you know that you have power over the way y

our genes express themselves and the state of your health? It’s called FOOD. Every bite either assists your body on its health mission or gets in the way of that mission. Bring your questions, and Trybuskiewicz will help you navigate through the “treacherous food terrain,” and learn how to support healthy brain function, starting with your next meal.

Trybuskiewicz is a graduate of the State University College at Buffalo in Clinical Dietetics. She began her 30-year career in public health by inspiring young families through the WIC program (Women, Infants, Children). Trybuskiewicz has been in the Wellness field for the last ten years. As a Licensed Registered Dietitian, she coaches her clients to achieve success with their Health and Nutrition goals. She guides them to be the best version of themselves, at whatever age they are.

Age With Purpose is a FREE EDUCATIONAL EVENT and is open to any member of the public who registers. In addition to seeing all of these highly informative presentations, registrants for this event will be offered a healthy continental breakfast and lunch. Guests may register by calling (910)755-PLAN (7526), emailing, or visiting






January 31, 2025

Estate taxes, often called the “death tax,” can significantly reduce the value of the inheritance you plan to leave your ...

How Can You Minimize Estate Taxes?

January 24, 2025

Preserving and passing down a family legacy involves much more than just financial assets. It includes the invaluable assets such ...

Passing Down the Invaluable

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Register for Our Upcoming Event!

Age Like You Mean It!


Planning for the Second Half of Life

Our clients love our Zoom concierge meetings! We offer closed captions for the hearing impaired - both in meetings and in the webinar.

You're Not Alone Book Series

A new informational guide for those who have received an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis and their families.

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